When I moved to the Bay Area from LA in 2012, I went from working 65+ hours per week to around 40.

It felt very strange; like I was cheating life, not working enough, not worthy of anything.  But I kept to this new schedule.

My relationships got better—still not perfect, but I had more time for those closest to me.

With a little extra breathing room, I was able to focus on learning what the Bible says about money and “stuff.” It was during this time that I started tithing, eliminating debt, and saving.

It was a struggle, it still is, but I felt God was with me in a different way.

The disciples “paused” in the Upper Room during a transitional part in their lives.

“On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: ‘Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit’” (Acts 1:4-5).

What if they had not waited? What if they had disobeyed Jesus like they had many times before?

It is so hard to “pause” isn’t it? I actually hate the act of pausing. It reminds me of the old cassette players “II”, ugh, I even hate to type it because it reminds me that I always wanted the music to keep playing and the pause was usually someone interrupting me, like my Mom or Dad, to tell me something important that I needed to hear.

Maybe God is telling us to “pause” so He can tell us something important? Maybe He wants to fill us with the Holy Spirit like He did with the disciples of the early church in the book of Acts? Maybe He wants us to go and change the world around us?



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