I love that we have a “Giving Tuesday.” It’s only been around since 2012, and I think it’s a fantastic addition to our holiday lineup of Black Friday and Cyber Monday and all the rest.

What a concept – a day in which we focus on giving to causes that are close to our hearts. We can give to those who need what we have, which not only helps them, it changes our hearts. Giving freely and generously can move us closer and closer to God.

What a cool thought: A people united, on one day, across the world, stopping to give. It’s a movement I’m happy to be part of!

What if we kept the giving going? What if every Tuesday was Giving Tuesday? What if it didn’t feel like an obligation but a privilege? I know many of you already give intentionally and regularly. But a reminder never hurts. Let’s think about how we can make giving an even more integral part of our lives.

Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than receive.” I think we all understand what he meant because of the way we feel when we’re able to give something of value to help someone else.

Did you participate in Giving Tuesday this year? How does “giving” fit into your life on a regular basis?


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